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Conheça WooCommerce
Plataforma de comércio eletrônico de código aberto baseada na Internet que ajuda na criação de loja online com opções de tema, pagamento, remessa e mais.
Quem usa WooCommerce?
Plataforma de comércio eletrônico que ajuda estabelecimentos de varejo de pequeno a grande porte a gerenciar várias contas de clientes, pagamentos, pedidos, estoques e lojas.
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Avaliações do WooCommerce
Perfect E-Commerce Website Integration!
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Muito boa para gestão de estoque
Eu utilize o Woocommerce dentro de outra plataforma muito famosa, posso dizer que com base também nas minhas experiências anteriores, o Woocommerce satisfez todas as minhas necessidades em relação à minha loja online, a gestão de estoque dela é muito boa, então facilitou muito para eu poder organizar tudo certinho.
Alguns plugins entram em conflito com o Woocommerce, acredito que esse seja o único fato que me incomodou um pouco
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
WooCommerce te da aquela ajudinha para iniciar o seu comercio online
Comentários: De o a 10, 9 com certeza! É uma plataforma que possibilita um mar de opções, é código aberto e cumpre com o propósito que é criar uma loja virtual. Mas quem cuida do seu site é você ou você precisa contratar uma equipe para te ajudar na manutenção. Uma ótima plataforma para quem necessita criar uma loja virtual e não quer ficar presa a planos de servidores com preços e taxas abusivas.
O WooCommerce te dá uma gama de possibilidades de customizar a sua loja virtual. entendendo de programação e desenvolvimento você tem infinitas opções de deixar a sua loja virtual do seu jeito, se não conhecer de programação é só escolher um bom plugin pagebuilder que será uma mão na roda na hora de personalizar a sua loja!
Por necessitar um mínimo de conhecimento em comercio eletrônico e programação você pode ficar travado em algumas questões, não é tão intuitivo e como é uma plataforma de código aberto, é sempre bom você ficar de olho de onde você baixa os plugins para não infectar o seu site ou até mesmo quebrar ele.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Sistema de loja online gratuito e muito confiável
Comentários: O Woocommerce é, sem dúvida, a melhor opção de lojas virtuais para pequenos e médios negócios online que necessitam de uma loja virtual. O software, que é gratuito, permite adaptações para qualquer tipo de negócio e o custo de manutenção é relativamente baixo. A variedade de temas e plugins disponíveis tornam o Woocommerce uma das melhores ferramentas para construir e gerenciar uma loja virtual segura e bonita.Quando um problema ocorre, temos disponível uma vasta documentação para explorar soluções além de uma comunidade de usuários e desenvolvedores bastante ativa e engajada.
O sistema é desenvolvido para a plataforma WordPress e bastante customizável sendo possível construir lojas virtuais para produtos físicos ou digitais, catálogos de produtos e até sistemas de assinaturas. A variedade de temas, muitos deles gratuitos, fazem do Woocommerce a opção mais econômica e fácil para quem deseja iniciar um negócio online e necessita de uma loja virtual.
Alguns recursos necessitam de conhecimento técnico para instalar ou desenvolver. Necessita de atualizações constantes para manter a loja segura e sem problemas. Às vezes, as atualizações de plugins, do WordPress ou do próprio Woocommerce podem gerar problemas e fazer a loja parar. Nestes casos, um backup atualizado é fundamental para qualquer instalação do sistema.
É um dos melhores para gestão de comercio online
Possui todos os recursos para vender online de forma profissional, é intuitivo. Não requer muito conhecimento técnico.
Plugins as vezes deixam o site lento, isso faz com que investimos tempo sem necessidade.
WooCommerce é o e-commerce oficial dos entusiastas do WordPress
Gosto dos recursos, a capacidade de transformar um simples site WordPress em um robusto e poderoso site de comércio eletrônico e também os insights fornecidos para progredir com a Loja.
Acho que os add-ons são excepcionais, mas podiam ter alguns já inclusos no plugin e outros serem vendidos em pacotes (bundles) com preços mais acessíveis. Pro Brasileiro, como costumo dizer, fica puxado lidar com dollar.
WooCommerce não valeu a pena para mim
Dentre diversas plataformas, o WooCommerce foi o que menos me serviu, dado que a configuração do mesmo não é fácil, e não fica explicito na hora do cadastro cobranças realizadas pelo programa, não volto a utilizar e não recomendaria a ninguém.
Dentre diversas plataformas, o WooCommerce foi o que menos me serviu, dado que a configuração do mesmo não é fácil, e não fica explicito na hora do cadastro cobranças realizadas pelo programa, não volto a utilizar e não recomendaria a ninguém.
Good product but more free features needed
Comentários: It's done the job but hopefully a better competitor arrives on the scene which will include more features for a fraction of the price (price includes for features not included for free).
The integration with Wordpress which is what we use for CMS. It's quite simple once setup, and allows a smooth customer journey from entering the store to purchasing.
The issues from updates; always have to backup (good procedure anyway) as well as the security bloatware required in order to setup/use WooCommerce.
WooCommerce to sell
WooCommerce is the best way to transform your WordPress website into a powerful online shop. Setting up the plugin is easy and straightforward. Items management is easy and intuitive. The most important thing at WooCommerce is the compatibility with all wordpress plugins. Increase security, increase website loading speed and the most important SEO.
A good webhosting (usually more expensive) is needed for a fluid experience.
Good if you have wordpress and time to fine tuning
Comentários: The overall experience is good, we managed to do a really good looking store with top features at a really low cost and full customizable
Is really easy to install, integrate really well with wordpress and lot of plugins available
It could get slow as wordpress is heavy and this add more load, but if you are smart doing layers of caching you should be ok
Really Good, Would Recommend
Comentários: Overall really good it surprised by the impressive variety of extensions and plugins.
Like how you can see where the source of the conversion came from, and how easy it is to see the analytics, and to understand what is selling the best.
User experience could be improved, as I feel like it is not as user friendly compared to other platforms
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Best open source platform with over 60,000 plugins
Comentários: It is far easier to use out of the box while still allowing control and customization than any other platform.
Legible code, easy to understand and customize
Frequent updates forcing constant development of customized code to ensure compatibility. To be fair, this is largely due to outside influences like hackers and cyber crooks targeting wordpress as a whole.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Freemium ecommerce that racks up quickly.
Comentários: For simple ecommerce setups, WooCommerce is smooth and easy to use. Again, if you have any sort of custom (even conventional) shipping, coupons, or store setups, you're stuck paying for extras that add up pretty quickly.
For the most basic of ecommerce setups, you can't beat free for Woocommerce. It's made by the same people that make WordPress, so it integrates very smoothly.
If you want to do anything of any complexity at all, you're stuck either writing a bunch of code yourself or paying yearly fees on their plugins.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
An "easy and free" ecommerce solution
Comentários: Generally positive, except in complex projects which require an ecommerce CMS instead of just a plug-in
Its a fast and free solution to launch an ecommerce, it has a great community and a lot of 3rd party integrations. It is based on Wordpress so should not have a great learning phase.
Like any module based system, some basic functionalities require a 3rd party module, and it can be expensive if the project has several requirements. Also, if you need to fully customize your store, this might not be your best option.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Arguably the best eCommerce platform for beginners
I love two things about Woocommerce the most. One is how easy it is to use. Unlike Shopify, a complete beginner can set up an e-commerce website rather quickly and without problems. The second thing is the community. So many people are using woocommerce, so if you ever face a challenge, there is already a fix online.
The fact that you need a plugin for every single custom thing you want. I'm still building a woocommerce site and I already have like 20 plugins, because some basic options are missing from the default WooCommerce.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Good place to start
Comentários: It served it's job well enough but it's not ideal
The familiarity of the name makes it easier for clients to understand the function
Too many conflicting tips and learning is hard
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Good if You are Using Wordpress
If your focus is on Blogging and content creation using Word Press, WooCom is a great option, but I was not and have since moved to Shopify.
It wasn't easy enough for me and using it on WordPress, I didn't want to have to rely on a developer, so I moved to Shopify for something I could do myself.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Woocommerce gets the job done, cheap! (unless you need a lot of addons)
Comentários: We've used woocommerce for years to manage our inventory and sell our goods, merch, and services. It's been very helpful, particularly for anything we need to ship.
Woocommerce is enterprise grade software that is free/cheap. You can get started for free and buy the official addons for a relatively low price if you need them. If you have a developer like we do, you can extend the functionality for no extra cost. It gets the job done nicely.
Could have more out-of-the-box functionality.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
If you're thinking of an e-commerce solution think WooCommerce
Comentários: The overall experience I get is the speed of checkout, the ease of use and the stability of the software.
There are many important features but the most important is the easy to setup the software and easy to understand the directions.
Really don't have any dislikes about the software.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Woo Is E-commerce At Its Finest
Comentários: My overall experience was wonderful, except for the price changes. If it wasn't for the price changes I would still be with them today. I'm actually considering going back because it's such a good platform I'd recommend it to everybody.
It's amazing how it's an all in one app. There is nothing u can't find on Woo! It was my initial platform, and I am considering going back
Price changed too many times and made it hard to keep up with.
Comentários: WooCommerce and Wordpress is a perfect mix for a powerful online shop. Because is compatible with WordPress plugins you can easily use SEO plugins, speed optimization plugins and security. With the help of WordPress themes you can customize the design without big costs.
Using WooCommerce I converted my Wordpress website into a powerful online store. Setting up the plugin is straightforward and you don't need any special programing skills. Works very good with other WordPress plugins and themes ... and there are a lot of them.
I can't say is perfect, but there are no cons worth mentioning here.
WooCommerce User review
Comentários: Overall, Woo Commerce is an amazing platform and a very reliable choice in the e-commerce space. One of it's advantage as a popular system is that it has a large and active community of users and developers that can easily provide knowledge and support.
I would say that Woo Commerce is very cost effective which is ideal for small and medium business like our company. The order and customer accounts management system is efficient and runs very smoothly.
At first glance, the user interface a looks a bit archaic and complicated at the same time. I supposed the design of the UI can still be improved. The required regular updates to maintain security and compatibility is helpful but at the same time affects our productivity negatively.
WooCommerce if you want to sell
Comentários: A great WordPress plugin, transform a simple WordPress website into a powerful online shop. Easy to secure and optimize for SEO and speed.
WooCommerce and WordPress is the perfect combination to sell online. Been using this plugin for a few years now and with every update is getting better and better. Adding plugins to the WordPress setup increases your shop security (with security plugins) and my favorite, increase SEO for every product available. For customization you have endless possibilities, creating and customizing a WordPress theme is quite easy, or you can find already made themes at reasonable prices.
No cons found for WooCommerce until now.
I cant see a way to sell online without WooCommerce. There are 2 main features that i love, it combines very good with WordPress plugins, this can increase SEO, website speed and many more. Second feature are the themes, there are so many already made themes or builders to choose from.
Hosting is important for big shops with many products. A feature to inform that you need more resources to operate will be a nice feature.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
One of the best platforms for ecommerce stores
I like the quantity of functions and the possibility of personalization
Sometimes could be hard to personalize or need to code
Create your own store with Woocommerce
Comentários: I enjoyed using Woo commerce and creating my store. However, the price just got to be too much each month and I wasn’t making enough sales.
I really enjoyed the software because you were able to create your own store with the product you want to sell. WooCommerce makes it easy to build a personal store on their platform using their tools.
I did not like the monthly price so I had to shut down my store.