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Paychex Flex
Conheça Paychex Flex
O Paychex Flex é uma solução tudo-em-um de RH e folha de pagamento, que você pode desenvolver à medida que sua empresa cresce ou muda. Use-o para executar a folha de pagamento e integrar a administração de RH, a aposentadoria e o gerenciamento de seguros com os serviços da maneira que você deseja e com conhecimento especializado dos regulamentos que podem afetar seu negócio. Ganhe 3 meses de processamento gratuito da folha de pagamento por tempo limitado. Clique no link para saber os detalhes.
Quem usa Paychex Flex?
O Paychex Flex é a solução ideal de folha de pagamento e RH para empresas de pequeno e médio porte em uma variedade de setores, incluindo varejo, serviços profissionais, serviço de alimentação, manufatura e construção.
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Paychex Flex
Avaliações do Paychex Flex
Stalwart Payroll Software for Small Businesses
Estou super satisfeito !
Comentários: Muito bom !
Gostando demais do serviço. Me surpreende a cada dia !
Poderia ter menos burocracia, algumas coisas podem ser diferentes
Facilidade e praticidade
A dinâmica de uso e praticidade,facilidade em usar
Alguns mecanismos podem ser otimizados para não ter um dalay
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Calm in a sea of changing regulations
Comentários: We had considered hosting our own payroll, however, with the craziness of COVID and regulations we are very happy we chose a partner provided and supported solution. Saves us time chasing new regulations and forms and the dreaded amendments.
The customer service makes the product easy to use. The support makes the product as with many payroll software products it will do what you want you just have to find the right entry and set up.
At times its so complete it can be overwhelming to find some less used features you had found before. Again they are all like this but the customer support makes this a breeze as you can actually talk to a human being that listens and helps.
It is very easy to use and has great support
Comentários: Since then, many businesses have approached me about switching, but I still haven't found a good enough reason to abandon Paychex Flex. It's simple to use, produces excellent results, and supports my needs promptly. The direct deposit and web portal make payroll simple. It's easy to learn and adapt to the system. Timely reports can be simply integrated with other bookkeeping software.
In 2017, at the advice of our Accountant, we began using Paychex Flex. I was hesitant because I was the one who always handled payroll through our company's accounting program. But Paychex Flex is so straightforward that I can't imagine ever switching from it to some other payroll system.
The ability to write notes on an employee's paystub; for instance, a place to mention what the bonus is for when it is given; this would be helpful.
Paychex review
I liked how the website was laid out. I also like how easy the hiring tab was to use. I really liked how everyone's PTO was on one calendar that administrators could see.
I did not like how if an employee used Paychex with a previous employer, it was very difficult to add them and separate the profiles.