18 anos ajudando empresas portuguesas
a escolherem o melhor software
A plataforma de aprendizado mais utilizável, personalizável, adaptável e confiável (pense em 99,9 % de tempo de atividade) para universidades e escolas de ensinos fundamental e médio.
I can find answers to just about any question I have very quickly with the online community or I can call and get direct help. If I can think of it, Canvas has a way to do it.
As a student this can be confusing and frustrating as I'm constantly searching for the information I need until I learn the instructor's organizational style.
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Excellent for Academics
Canvas muito pratico para seu conhecimentos
Comentários: Minha experiência e única e realizadora pois me proporciona mais habilidade e conhecimento,
O que gostei foi o acesso rápido bem complexo e sem burocracia.
Ainda nao tenho uma definição, programa maravilhoso
Fácil para administrar estudos e disciplinas
Sou usuária do Canvas há cerca de 2 anos e já fiz diversos cursos na plataforma, que é bem dinâmica e fácil de utilizar. Pude criar uma rotina de estudos através da plataforma, o que me ajudou no dia a dia.
A navegabilidade poderia ser melhor, quando é iniciante na plataforma é um pouco difícil de encontrar o caminho para notas e feedback de uma disciplina, por exemplo.
Comentários: Na maioria das vezes consigo entregar serviços de qualidade para meus clientes
Facilidade em criação de conteúdos para capa de cursos
edições de vídeos. Muitas vezes preciso de recursos a mais para edição dos vídeos.
Facilidade durante estudos
Comentários: Gosto que seja claro nas funcionalidades, evita desviar a atenção do aluno, não preciso estudar o Canvas e posso focar no estudo do curso.
Gosto que seja claro nas funcionalidades, ajuda muito durante o entendimento do curso que estou realizando.
É um pouco difícil no celular, mas não me atrapalha em nada quando preciso usar o celular.
Um produto de fácil acesso
Comentários: foi uma experiência positiva, indico o produto pois contribuiu para minha empresa
Uma plataforma de fácil absorção e aprendizagem, ajudando na organização
Não gostei porque nem sempre ele possui informações exatas

Variedade de recursos para criar qualquer tipo de slogan
Muitos recursos só estão disponíveis para pagantes. Teriam que deixar mais recursos para os não assinantes para terem o interesse em assinar.
Comentários: Eu gostei e me ajudou muito na faculdade e para dar aulas, foi uma experiência boa.
O canvas é um aplicativo bem funcional e ajuda bastante nas aulas online.
Como qualquer app tem suas complexidades, o plicativo é fácil o manuseio, porém tem que mexer muito dentro de cada funcionalidade para aprender mais sobre o app.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Comentários: A minha experiencia e muito boa pois ele facilita a vida do empresario depois que comecei a usar me ajudou muito nas divulgações.
Eu gosto muito pois facilita meu dia, faço postagens diariamente nas minhas redes sociais e com ele tudo fica mais facil.Pois tem varias ferramentas prontas para ser usadas,
As vezes ele e um pouco repetitivo nas imagens.
Aulas a distância com todos os recursos
Facilidade de lecionar um tema com diversidade de recursos digitais da plataforma
Custos de utilização excessivos para licença padrão
Nota 10
Ele é funcional tem muitas coisas qie nos podemos usar e gratuitos
Tem alguns produtos que são bem caro mas dá pra usar de forma formal
Canvas LMS é uma poderosa ferramenta para cursos e aulas on line.
Comentários: A pandemia fez com que tivessemo que ficarmos afastados das nossas atividades para evitar a disseminação do Covid 19. Mas com o Canvas essas situação pode ser de certa forma sanada, por que pudemos continuar a ministrar as aulas e cursos para os Aprendizes, que de casa continuam o seu processo de formação. O Canvas é a melhor ferramenta para cursos e aula on line sem sombra de dúvidas
Facilidade de uso, adaptação ao diversos tipos de dispositivos, disponibilidade para uso em qualquer lugar, muito intuitivo. Com a pandemia o Canvas está sendo utilizado por nossa organização para aulas e cursos on line para os nossos aprendizes. A ferramenta é eficaz e muito estável, fazendo com que os aprendizes e os instrutores possam interagir como se estivessem em sala de aula física
Falta opções para personalização, e conexões com pouca estabilidade demora um pouco para os vídeos carregarem
Canvas para estudo
Comentários: O Canvas é um ótimo software para utilizar nos estudos, ajudou muito na minha formação profissional, nesses dois ultimos anos de pandemia, fiz praticamente todas minhas atividades e aulas utilizando ele e foi de grande ajuda. Muito prático.
Muito prático para utilização no dia a dia uma plataforma adaptável e confiável que permite auxiliar no sistema de aprendizado educacional. Facilidade na utilização.
As vezes quando estávamos tendo aulas pelo CANVAS travava um pouco, mas acho que isso vai muito da internet que o professor esta utilizando no momento da aula. Demora um pouco para o carregamento dos vídeos também.

My personal review after 2 years of using it.
Comentários: Overall experience is good if you just ignore little chunks its very interesting and usefull product for everyone.
Its user friendly , Mobile accessible, Rich content management, Discuss feature and forums and regular updates and improvement.
I faces most of the time customization challenges and integration complexity and cost consideration.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
A fruitful learning experience
Comentários: A user-friendly LMS platform with interactive features to offer a joyful learning experience. It is best known for its variety of tools, third-party integrations and multimedia content to help grab the students' attention and increase the potential of both motivation and success.
As a lecturer in English, mainly after COVID-19 incident, Canvas turned around online learning through its revolutionary friendly-user tools that range from clustering sections and arranging activities to video conferencing and quizzes settings. Canvas dashboard or rather facilities can be naively navigated. More than that, the number of integrations is really huge to offer the best learning experience.
Though a leading LMS platform, Canvas still struggles with mobile performance; it still takes much time to load sometimes. I can add that it is hard at certain phases to synchronize updates and changes when it comes to third-party applications.
Canvas Review
Comentários: Pretty great, I use it everyday and love it
Its usability and being able to complete work on my phone or laptop.
It was a bit difficult to turn on notifications at first
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
on the fence
Comentários: initially, really happy easy to follow and clear layout, however when wanting to extend the options for the learning of the students I found it limited. also became hard when students were unable to get in
I liked the app version that some of our student who had iPad used. It was easy to maneuver through different pages . liked that it has immersive reader function, could be in a different colour background
the lack of interactive learning experiences that was able to be created. lack of creative ability to make the experience more visual. didnt cater for all learning styles. When learners forgot their passwords the forgotten password link didn't work. issues with learners finding the right page to log in to.
Canvas is an Excellent Educational Tool for Connecting With Students
Comentários: If I remember correctly, I used canvas during community college, undergrad and law school. Throughout there's nearly 10 years of school. I saw the product change and evolved to meet the needs of its users. I remember preferring the platform distinctly over competitors like slack. I even used it as a tutor which provided the functionality of the professor point of view and the grading function on canvas was very easy to use and allowed the provision of detailed feedback in addition to any manner of assignment you might desire
I used canvas at various points throughout my academic career and compared to its competitors. It seemed to be the most comprehensive and user interface friendly. I remember it having a good deal of features that were highly useful for students and professors to connect and enhance the learning experience
Maybe one of the worst things about canvas is the way that if an assignment is missed or late, even if it's not a big deal for the course, the interface will show a big scary red missing indicator
Canvas: A User-Friendly and Powerful Tool for all Education
Comentários: Canvas is a strong learning system that meets the needs of all education. Although it could improve in performance and onboarding, its great features and easy accessibility make it a top choice for both teachers and students.
Canvas is simple and easy to use for both teachers and students, making it a great choice for managing online courses.
The free version doesn’t have some of the advanced features included in the paid plans.
The world is your CANVAS!
Comentários: CANVAS is very user friendly and intuitive. Dashboards and notification settings can be easily customized to fit your priorities. Easy to navigate each web page and the groups feature is super helpful in finding others within my organization.
Personalized dashboards make it easy to prioritize my sections and work
Web widgets are not always formatted properly. Causes the scroll bars and window edges to disappear.
Best Learning Management System
Comentários: Canvas is the best learning management system I have used. Assignments are easy to create, edit, and rearrange. Collapsible modules keep workflow tidy.
User-friendly. The interface makes logical sense and loads quickly with few errors. I enjoy being able to attach grading rubrics to assignments.
The navigation settings (which tools to make visible on the sidebar) are buried/hard to find.
I prefer Canvas to other similar platforms
Comentários: I used Canvas during high school and college, and I prefer it to other similar platforms that I have previously used.
Canvas is a very organized platform. It is pretty easy finding specific classes. It provides a to do list with all your soon due work on the dashboard. You can also get a to do list for a specific class. In short, Canvas provides you with the same information in your preffered way, whatever it is.
One thing I did not like about Canvas is that my teachers were unable to provide extra credit to just selected students. Assignments had to be given to all and were graded as a part of the overall percentage, and we had to find ways to work around that.
Convenient and easy to use
Comentários: I'm having a very good experience at college, because I can see all my courses, projects and activities in one app.
I liked the practicality and ease of using the app the most.
I have nothing to complain about, as it met my needs when I used it.
Canvas Review
Comentários: It was overall a good experience as a student. I cannot speak on the professor/teaching side. I believe my peers all agreed when the switch was made at my college. The system was much cleaner than Moodle.
Canvas made college very easy. It helps separate different courses I was taking, reach out to professors/classmates, see grades along with assignments. My college had switched over to Canvas from Moodle and the layout on Canvas was much better.
I did not like the only test taking format. It was very east to skip over a question in the moment and plan to go back to the question. Due to the quiz being only, you would have to go pack "pages" to find the question skipped over. This would sometimes result in questions not being answered at the end of the quiz/test. I think they should add a side bar that highlights skipped over questions. This is only a problem if you plan to skip around during a quiz/test like I would.
CANVAS-A Great Coursework Management Program
Comentários: CANVAS is a great coursework program that provides me with organized platform to create and access my coursework. I’m very pleased with its’ simplicity yet effectiveness in cataloging courses and their attributes.
The thing I liked the most is how it integrates my schools design. It matches its colors and is aesthetically pleasing. This makes me more motivated to finish assignments and sign on.
What I liked least about canvas is how it can be a bit confusing when being messaged through CANVAS and your email at the same time.
Efficient and User-Friendly: A Review of CANVAS’s Features and Support
Comentários: Overall, I appreciate the functions of CANVAS, its ease of access and use, the exam-setting features, and the support from both the CANVAS community and technical support.
CANVAS is an easy-to-use tool for uploading materials and setting up assignments with assessment rubrics. I also use CANVAS to administer exams to students, incorporating a third-party proctoring function.
One definite improvement CANVAS needs is the ability to apply multiple rubrics to a single assignment. Currently, CANVAS only allows one rubric per assignment, which is not practical for higher education.